Pop Up Art Studio
Discoveries cannot be planned, they pop up, like Puck, in unexpected corners.

Keep An Eye Out for the Pop Up Art Studio
When you are walking in and around Hilliard, keep your eye out for our Pop Up Art Studio, an interactive art experience that as the name implies could pop up anywhere!
Pop Up Art Studio allows families a means to explore a variety of art activities. Sometimes it is a make and take opportunity where participants create art individually and take them home and sometimes the projects are collaborative to produce something cool as a group. You might find yourself painting, stitching, decorating, sculpting, inventing, or who knows what type of surprise every time you find us.
While the activity may vary, one thing you can depend on is that it will be incredibly fun and also free of charge. Pop Up Art Studio has appeared in the past at the Hilliard Library, the Hilliard Pool, at the Hilliard Earth Day celebration, even at Old Hilliard Fest to name just a few past “pops”.
We hope to see you pop in for your own creative experience.
Pop Up Art Studio is temporarily on pause due to COVID-19. We hope to be able to resume in some fashion as soon as possible. Stay tuned to this space for further news as it develops.