Hilliard Community Chorus
The Hilliard Community Chorus is a non-auditioned chorus of singers open to anyone high school aged and older. The chorus performs at least two concerts per year, one of which is our annual performance of Handel’s Messiah, a Hilliard tradition going back over 40 years.
The choir is directed by Logan W. Fletcher, a music teacher at Hilliard Crossing Elementary School and a graduate of the Conservatory of Music at Capital University. Logan brings a high level of energy to rehearsals where his passion for choral music is infectious with all participants.
There is an seasonal participation fee of $50 for this choir. The chorus rehearses weekly (currently at Hilliard Presbyterian Church) on Sunday afternoons/evenings in the fall and spring and performs at least two concerts a year . You do not need to be a Hilliard resident to join, just love to sing! Come join us and bring a friend!
Hilliard Youth Choir
HYC REGISTRATION WINDOW: Please register by March 17 for this season of youth choir!
The Hilliard Youth Chorus is a non-auditioned chorus of singers with unchanged voices (treble clef ranges) in grades 1-7 who want to have fun, make new friends, and sing beautiful music. No prior singing experience is necessary. The goal of the Hilliard Youth Chorus is to help kids develop good singing technique, expose them to new songs and musical styles, and empower them to find their voices through music!
The choir is directed by Meredith Kennedy, who loves making music with children of all ages! She has taught vocal music in several K-12 programs in Ohio and Northern Virginia. These positions allowed her to direct children’s choirs and musicals, while inspiring a community of young musicians. Meredith earned her Music Education degree at Capital University, and received a masters degree in education at George Mason University. Ms. Kennedy teaches at Washington Elementary School, where she can be found singing, dancing, drumming, playing ukulele, and teaching students how to find joy in making music!
There is a seasonal participation fee of $50 for this choir which supports the costs of directors, accompanists, sheet music, etc. The chorus rehearses weekly at the Hilliard Civic and Cultural Arts Center on Wednesday afternoons (see specific dates/times listed below)
YOUNGER SINGERS (Grade 1-3): 4:30 – 5:10pm
OLDER SINGERS (Grade 4-7): 5:15 – 6:00pm
March: 19, 26
April: 9, 16, 23, 30
May: 7, 14
Saturday May 17 at Stone Oak
Sunday, May 18 HAC combined concert with Hilliard Community Chorus (location TBD