Hilliard Arts Council presents a staged reading of Anne Nelson’s play The Guys. Based on a true story, The Guys details how Joan, an editor, helps Nick, a New York Fire Department captain, prepare the eulogies for the eight firefighters who died under his command out of a crew of twelve on 9/11. Nick and Joan spend a long afternoon recounting their virtues and foibles of the fallen responders, fashioning their stories into memorials through words. In the process, Nick and Joan discover the possibilities of friendship in each other and their shared love for the unconquerable spirit of NYC. The Guys is being presented free of charge as part of the observance of the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
If you are able to join us in this opportunity to commemorate 9/11, the performance will begin at 7 p.m. on September 11 at the Hilliard Civic and Cultural Arts Center.
HAC is committed to safety above all else for it’s cast, production team and audience. As vaccinations are yet not available for younger children combined with the rising levels of infection caused by the Delta variant of COVID-19, all audience members must be masked while inside the theatre. Masks will be provided at the door for those that have forgotten to bring them. Additionally audience members are asked to distance themselves from other parties where possible.